Terms and Conditions

Article 01: Membership entry

A membership has a minimum duration of 4 weeks, 12 months or 24 months, depending on the type of membership chosen.

Article 01.1: Upgrades

The upgrades are linked to the membership for the entire contract period (4 weeks, 12 months or 24 months) for which it is signed. After this period, the upgrades can be canceled every 4 weeks.

Article 02: Reflection period

The cooling-off period for online registrations is 2 weeks. The aforementioned right of withdrawal ends the moment you use the facilities earlier. In the event of cancellation, within these 2 weeks, a 4-week contribution will be charged to the athlete.

Article 03: Cancellation of membership/upgrade

a. Cancellation is possible by email to info@sportcentrumvelserbroek.nl. If we have processed your cancellation, you will receive a confirmation e-mail. This email is binding. Cancellation must be made no later than 4 weeks before the end of the contract period. If not canceled in time, the membership will be continued for an indefinite period. During this period, the obligation remains to pay the contributions owed to Sportcentrum Velserbroek, even if the facilities may not be used. Cancellation of this membership can be done with a notice period of at least 4 weeks.

b. The same conditions as in Article 03.A. apply to canceling the upgrades.

c. Early termination of your membership is only possible if:

you get a different home address that is more than 15 kilometers from the club. This can only be assumed on the basis of an official document 'registration municipality' of your new place of residence.
it has become impossible for you to use the fitness activities for the remainder of the membership due to an injury or illness. This can only be assumed with an official doctor's statement as evidence.

Article 04: Deactivating the membership

If you are unable to use the facilities at all for more than 4 weeks as a result of an injury or illness, it is possible (only on presentation of a medical certificate from a doctor) to temporarily deactivate the membership. Membership can be deactivated for a maximum of 12 weeks. The end date of the membership is automatically extended by the same period as the duration of the deactivation period.

Article 05: Membership strictly personal

The membership relates only to the activities mentioned and the duration and price indicated. Membership is personal and non-transferable.

Article 06: Opening hours & rates

Velserbroek Sports Center is at all times entitled to change opening hours, class schedules and rates. During official holidays, Sportcentrum Velserbroek reserves the right to close the club, without this leading to a reduction of the membership fee or possible refund.
Sportcentrum Velserbroek reserves the right to change the rates annually with a maximum of € 2.00 per 4 weeks. The member is not entitled to dissolve the agreement as a result of a rate change. Rate adjustments due to government measures can be implemented immediately regardless of the amount and do not give the right to cancellation.

Article 07: Payment

You pay the payment of your membership monthly via SEPA direct debit. You are therefore obliged to ensure that there is sufficient balance in your account from which Sportcentrum Velserbroek is authorized to collect.
You pay the administration costs once via SEPA direct debit in the first period of the membership.
The due contribution is collected every 4 weeks.
With a second reminder, €40 in statutory collection will be charged.
The collection of amounts owed that are not paid within the terms set by Sportcentrum Velserbroek will be transferred to a collection agency. All judicial and extrajudicial (collection) costs that Sportcentrum Velserbroek has to incur as a result of the non-compliance will be fully borne by you as a member. The compensation of extrajudicial costs is fixed at 15% of the principal amount due (with a minimum of € 40 per claim). In addition, statutory interest will be charged on the principal from the due date.

Article 08: Dress code & use of towel

Correct sports clothing must be worn at all times in the sports areas. In addition, it is mandatory to wear clean sports shoes and to use a towel. To use the saunas, you must bring a bath towel, bath slippers and adhere to the hygiene rules that have been drawn up.

Article 09: Order/instruction requirements

It is not allowed to use and/or trade drugs or stimulants in general. Use/trade of such resources will lead to immediate termination of the membership upon discovery, without any right to a refund of paid membership fees.
Members must adhere to the instructions and established regulations given by Sportcentrum Velserbroek (or its employees) with regard to, among other things, clothing, necessary order and discipline (dumbbell shirts are not allowed, as well as the expression of noisy behavior and/or indecent language, at the discretion of Sportcentrum Velserbroek, or the employees employed by it). In case of violation, Sportcentrum Velserbroek is entitled to deny members access to the club and to dissolve the membership with immediate effect, without any right to a refund of the contribution paid.

Article 10: Safety and liability

The use of the facilities within Sportcentrum Velserbroek is at your own risk. Sportcentrum Velserbroek is not liable for damage as a result of accidents, theft, fire or any other damage-causing events, unless Sportcentrum Velserbroek can be blamed for intent or gross negligence.

Article 11: Delivery conditions NLActief

The general terms and conditions of NLActief (which have been established in consultation with the Consumers' Association) apply to this agreement. These conditions can be found at: https://www.nl Actief.nl/erkend-aanbod/leveringvoorwaarden/.

Article 12: Conformity of the agreement

By signing the membership agreement, every member declares to comply with the general terms and conditions drawn up by Sportcentrum Velserbroek and the house rules set in the club. Sportcentrum Velserbroek is at all times entitled to deny access to anyone who does not comply with the conditions/rules for a duration to be determined by Sportcentrum Velserbroek, without any right to a refund of contributions already paid.

Article 13: Other provisions

All cases and/or situations in which the above general terms and conditions do not provide will be assessed exclusively by the management of Sportcentrum Velserbroek. All disputes that arise between Sportcentrum Velserbroek and members will be settled by the 'Fitness Disputes Committee' or the competent court. In accordance with the NLActief general terms and conditions. Dutch law applies to the membership.

The personal details of the members are strictly confidential and will only be used for administrative purposes by Sportcentrum Velserbroek. This data is never made available to third parties for commercial purposes.

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